About L2a Cargo


L2A CARGO provides international AIR COURIER SERVICE offering speedy and reliable 7-days package delivery from TORONTO, CANADA to METRO MANILA. We also ship & deliver: letters & documents, parcels & packages, and boxes (even Balikbayan Boxes!) to ANYWHERE in the Philippines! We offer the fastest and most affordable Door-to-Door service from Canada to the Philippines PLUS FREE PICK-UP within Greater Toronto Area.


(*7-day delivery count starts on the day the courier flight leaves Toronto to the day you receive your package, excluding weekends and holidays. A 7-day guarantee does not apply to delivery in areas outside of Metro Manila and is further subject to change due to flight, travel and delivery restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.)


There are now almost a million Filipinos who are enjoying bountiful opportunities and blessings in their adopted country, Canada. Integrating well into the fabric of Canadian society, many Filipino-Canadians have long been successful contributors to its economic, social, cultural, and political landscape. We are part of making Canada a great nation, and we are proud of our contributions.

Yet the ties that bind Filipino-Canadians to the Philippines are deep and strong. The Philippines is never far from their hearts and minds and many first-generation Filipino-Canadians continue to be an integral part of their families in the Philippines. The desire to help, to express their love, to share their bountiful blessings with their loved ones back in the Philippines have often tugged at the heartstrings of Filipino-Canadians. They send balikbayan boxes filled with food items, apparel, toys, and anything else can they share as a way to make their loved ones feel their presence and make them happy. But oftentimes the delivery of those precious and love-filled packages is marred by delays and disruptions in the sea voyage. And sometimes we simply need to send a small package pronto and the 45-day delivery service via sea transport just won’t cut it!


L2A’s air cargo service is borne out of that desire to connect with our loved ones back in the Philippines as quickly as possible. It is a timely and convenient solution for Filipino-Canadians who wish for a faster and more reliable package delivery service from Toronto to Manila. L2A offers the fastest 7-day* air courier service for letters, parcels, boxes – even the world-renowned “balikabayan box” – between the two countries. Now, families back in the Philippines need not wait months for the love and care of their families in Canada.

So, what are you waiting for? Mag padala na! I-L2A na yan and #makeyourlovedoneshappy

L2A foray into air cargo service is a welcome benefit to Filipino-Canadians. L2A represents the fastest service between Toronto and Manila, providing a 7-day service for courier and parcel between the two continents.

Families back home need not wait months for the care and attention that they deserved.

Our Officers

Mr. Jerome Soliman

President / CEO

Mr. E.Man Nacario

Chairman/Managing Director

Ms. Catherine Feliciano

Director / Corporate Secretary

Mr. Raffy Estacio
